About me

Annie Morris

My grand passions have always been art, reading and writing. Even though in college I started out studying Fine Arts at Stetson University in Florida, I finished with a BA in Spanish Literature which brought me to Spain 37 years ago.   
        I fell in love with the country, the people, the art, the life style, and this is where I have made my home and raised my sons. During many years I worked in the administration of various U.S. university study abroad programs, but felt the need to spend more time in the artistic world. 

         I have been doing calligraphy since I was thirteen years old, when I received my first calligraphy fountain pen. Basically I am self-taught, but I have attended several workshops with well-known master calligrapher R.P. Hale.

         During many years I enjoyed participating in Arts and Crafts Fairs around Madrid with my partner Soledad Oteiza, but keeping up with the times, I want to take advantage of the wide reach of internet to share my work with more people.

         My personal philosophy is that life is a marvelous gift from God and that we need to enjoy it to the maximum and see beauty in everything. I would love to think that I have contributed a bit to making that beauty more visible using the talent that God has given me, even if it is in something so simple as a hand-written envelope.